piano preludes from the 20th and 21st century
Recovering compositions of the ‚recent past’ from their shadowy existence in the concert business, making them accessible in greater detail and discovering what is unknown so as then to be in a position better to understand and mediate the very latest works was point of departure for the production of this CD.
The idea of undertaking this ramble though the topic of the ‘prelude’ emerged from the so appropriate ‘miniature format’ of the genre to which now 15 different composers from all over the world can show their differing approaches.
The preludes collected here all derive from the 20th and 21st centuries and were composed over a period of over 100 years. Thus, they provide an insight into the stylistic diversity of this time. Each of the composers introduced here presents himself in his own ‘diction’. A certain country-specific musical language can be seen in the composers’ many references to their national and folk musical roots.
The composers’ positions and attitudes can be determined from their treatment of tradition, their recourse to stylistic features of earlier centuries or their rejection of and quest for new tonal aesthetics, structure or form.
Hence, despite their brevity, the preludes provide with countless profound insights; moreover, they might become a ‘prelude’ in a higher sense of the word, encouraging the listener to take an interest in other compositions by the one or other, here perhaps even recently discovered composer.
You can buy single tracks as download via: Gramola